La Maison du Pèlerin
12 avenue Maransin
65100 Lourdes

Tél : +33 (0)
Fax : +33 (0)

Attractions around Lourdes

Make the best of your stay and visit Lourdes and its surroundings: the Hautes-Pyrénées department, the region, the South West of France, Spain or Andorra.

The Maison du Pèlerin gives you advice about many excursions in the city of Lourdes itself but also in the whole area. From the fresh clean air of the ocean to the vivifying heights of the Hautes-Pyrénées, you will discover myriads of different and beautiful landscapes, meet local cultures and ancestral traditions.

The museum of Lourdes

museum of lourdesTravel backwards in time and go to the museum of Lourdes to discover how the village looked like when Bernadette Soubirous used to live in Lourdes.

The Musée Grévin

wax museum lourdesA unique experience awaits you in the Musée Grévin. Discover the wax characters and relive the story of Bernadette and Christ.

The national stud of Tarbes

haras national de tarbes Formerly used to supply horses to the hussars, the national stud of Tarbes is nowadays known for taking care of the reproduction of equines destined for competition.

The Betharram Grottos

betharram grotte Go to Betharram to discover beautiful and surprising grottos and visit this charming little village, its wayside and its shrine.

The Médous grottos

grottes de medous Discover and admire the many stalactites and stalagmites of the Médous grottos. The visit also includes a boat trip on the Adour!

The Donjon des Aigles

donjon des aigles See this spectacular show in a dungeon located about 15 km away from Lourdes. Come and admire the birds of prey and parrots flying free!

The Pic du Jer

pic du jer Whether by bike, by foot or with the funicular: enjoy the most spectacular panorama of Lourdes from the Pic du Jer.

Argelès-Gazost, your Pyrenean breath of fresh air

argeles gazost Come to Argelès-Gazost to recharge your batteries. The charming little village of Argelès-Gazost is located near Lourdes and is close to many touristic sites of the Hautes-Pyrenées.

Bartrès, in the footsteps of Bernadette

bartres soubirous Discover Bartrès, and walk in the footsteps of Saint Bernadette.

The Betharram Shrine

betharram sanctuaire Discover Betharram, a little village that used to be a place of pilgrimage. Visit the Betharram Shrine and the Wayside.

The Saint Peter city

cite saint pierre Bernadette Soubirous wanted for Lourdes to have a welcoming place for the families in need. More than 55 years after she pronounced this will the mission of the Saint Peter City has evolved.